Saturday, 19 April 2008

weight loss with a natural plan

A wise approach for natural weight loss is to ensure your calorific intake meets your physical activity levels, recommendations such as this are generally ignored. If it were that simple, which it should be, most slimming companies would be out of business, this obviously isn't as easy as it sounds because currently over a third of Americans are overweight. Of course, once you are overweight, you usually want to trim down for a whole lot of reasons, some related to health, others having to do with looks.

The truth is it is easier to maintain your weight than it is to lose excess pounds and the heavier you become the harder the weight loss becomes. If there is one thing we all know, it is that weight gain is likely to happen if we do not take forward-looking steps to stop it.

Apparently even if you have lost weight with a calorie controlled diet, it doesn't take long if you come off it to revert to your old ways and you can start watching the pounds go back on again. The simple fact is this, the longer you ignore natural weight loss programs and stay overweight, the more likely you are to have health problems.

The importance of maintaining the correct weight is more than just for looks especially as the number of health problems related to weight and obesity grows. The annoying part is that natural weight maintenance is not difficult to understand but overweight people choose to ignore this.

Natural weight loss is about the food you eat so stick to those which are low in fat, contain carbohydrates, high in fiber and a moderate amount of protein. A meal such as this would be something like a baked potato (complex carbohydrate), the fiber is vegetables and protein is a lean cut of meat.

Dietitians also say that the body has a capacity to retain dietary fat more than calories for regular foods so weight gain is more likely. Manufacturers have realized that there is a huge market for low-fat or even fat-free products but the propensity and popularity of these foods are not lowering the average weight of the nation.

The weight a person puts on isn't always as a result of high fat foods, although they obviously do not help, but a result of too many calories turning into body fat. The term fat-free can be a trap if you start to believe that you can eat any amount of fat-free food when it is far better to respond to hunger with healthy snacks.

The subject of when to eat and how often can be contentious but the latest thoughts on the subject suggest that keeping to regular meal times and eating small nutritious snacks between meals may be the answer. Maintaining a healthy weight is just that, a natural weight loss program that will continue and allow you to live a long healthy life.

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